Utilizing cash flow statement in in building a loan portfolioAn analytical study of a sample of Iraqi banks registered in the Iraq Stock Exchange between (2010 -2019)
cash flow stateme , loan portfolio, loansAbstract
The aim of the study is to identify the theoretical aspects and via practical side from which the preparation of the statement of cash flows stems from in order to enable banks to know the financial banking position in the right time and analyze the financial risks that faced by banks in making investment decisions related to activities (operational, investment and financing) to build a loan portfolio and maximize rate of return ,increase profits ,accordingly the following hypothesis will be tested through this research financial indicators from the cash flow statement can be used in building the loan portfolio in the Iraqi banks registered in the Iraq Stock Exchange, to achieve the goals the descriptive and analytical approach was used by analyzing the indicators from (cash flow statement , loan portfolio) through a financial analysis of a sample of private banks registered in the Iraq Stock Exchange between (2010-2019), The current study has reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which are: The statement of cash flows is one of the most important financial statements because it provides accurate financial information due to its reliance on the cash basis, although forecasting the future is fraught with many credit risks, however most banks neglect the process of measuring returns and risks in building a loan portfolio and taking them into consideration when preparing the cash flow statement, among the most important recommendations of the research, banks should focus on using financial analysis methods according to the cash flows statement to forecast profits and reduce credit risks by investing in the bank loan portfolio.
. الوثائق الرسمية
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