Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- Article Text
- Title page (Title, Authors, Affiliations, Corresponding author)
- Cover letter
- Figure(s)
- Table(s)
- References
Author Guidelines
Instructions for Authors
1. Submission Policy
Papers submitted to ZJHS must contain original material or review articles. The submitted paper, including any translations, must have never been previously published or be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Violations of these guidelines will typically result in an immediate rejection of the submission without further review.
2. General Peer-Review Procedure
All manuscripts submitted for publication in ZJHS undergo a strict and thorough peer-review process. The Editorial Office will organize the peer review and ensure that each manuscript receives at least two sets of reviewer comments. The Editorial Board issues a decision letter according to the comments of the reviewers, which is sent to the corresponding author. The peer-review process typically takes four weeks.
3. Authors' Rights
ZJHS is committed to protecting authors’ rights and ensuring that all legal and copyright regulations are upheld. Whether publishing with ZJHS or any other publisher, ZJHS adheres to the highest standards of ethics, responsibility, and legal obligations.
4. ZJHS’s Ethics Statement
ZJHS is committed to enforcing a rigorous peer review process alongside ethical policies and standards for scholarly publication. ZJHS takes cases of plagiarism, data falsification and inappropriate authorship credit very seriously, and the editors maintain a zero-tolerance policy toward such misconduct.
Plagiarism must not exceed 20%, with no single source contributing more than 5%. The use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) is permitted but must be limited to 10%.
5. Points to be covered in the research paper:
- Title of the Paper (Max.16 words)
- Name/Names of the Researcher(s) (No scientific titles)
- Place of Work (Affiliation…, Department of…, College of…, University…, City…, Country…)
- Email Address
Himdad A. Muhammad
English Department, College of Basic Education,
Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region/Iraq
- Received and Accepted Dates (to be left blank)
- Abstract (Max. 150 words containing an introductory sentence(s), problem, objectives, methodology, data, sampling, analysis, and the main finding(s))
- Keywords (Max.5)
- Introduction
- Literature Review/theoretical background
- Methodology
- Results
- Conclusion and Recommendations
- References
6. Style: (NOTE: Do Not Use the Chapter Format When Writing a Paper. Use a digital numbering system for organization.
6.1 Page setup:
- English: A4 size with margins set as follows: 2cm (Top), 2cm) Bottom) 3cm (Left), 2cm (Right).
- Kurdish and Arabic: A4 size with margins set as follows: 2cm (Top), 2cm (Bottom), 3cm (Right), 2cm (Left).
- Numbering the sections has to start from the introduction.
- Do not use the automatic numbering of the headings; manual numbering is recommended.
- The entire document must be submitted as a single file, not in separate parts.
- Line spacing of the paragraphs should be set to (Single).
6.2 Fonts
- Required in three languages (English, Kurdish, and Arabic) including Title, Name of Author(s), E-mail Address, and Keywords.
- English: (Times New Roman), size (10 Bold) for the heading, and the same text size (10) for the body.
- Kurdish: (Unikurd Goran), size (12) for the heading, and (Unikurd Goran) size (12) for the body.
- Arabic: (Simplified Arabic), size (10 Bold) for the heading, and (Simplified Arabic) size (10) for the body.
- Keywords: Must not exceed 5 words, and the same font size guidelines as above apply.
Main Body:
- English: (Times New Roman), size (12 Bold) for all headings and the same text size (12) for all the body.
- Kurdish (Unikurd Goran), size (12 Bold) for the headings and (Unikurd Goran) size (12) for the body.
- Arabic: (Simplified Arabic) size (12 Bold) for the heading, and (Simplified Arabic) size (12) for the body.
- All new paragraphs have to start with one tab. When writing in Arabic or Kurdish, paragraphs should not start with a letter (و).
6.3 Tables and Figures
- All the tables and figures must NOT exceed a width of (Max.15cm).
- All figures must be in (JPG) format, presented as a single image (not composed of multiple parts). Scanned parts must be clear and of high quality.
- All poems have to be written in a table, with each paragraph of a poem (Stanza) written in its own column.
- Avoid using Textbox or WordArt under any circumstances.
7. Citing and Referencing
- Self-citation must not exceed %10.
- Citing and referencing should follow (Harvard Referencing System), and not be included as footnotes.
- References must adhere to the same font and size guidelines as the abstract.
- All the references should be listed in alphabetical order.
- References should be prepared strictly according to the Harvard style. All references in the text must be specified by the authors’ last names and date of publication.
- Researchers should cite publications within the text as (Adams, 2006) using the first name of the author's or authors (Adams and Brown, 2006) citing both names, or (Adams et al., 2006), when there are three or more authors .
- At the end of the paper a reference list in alphabetical order should be supplied:
- For books:
- Last name, first and second name (Year), Title, Publisher: Place of Publication.
- For journal articles
- Last name, first and second name (Year), “Title of the article” “Title of the Journal”,Volume and Issue,p.
- References should be formatted according to international citation management systems, such as EndNote, Mendeley, or similar tools, ensuring consistency and adherence to global publication standards.
- It is strongly recommended that manuscripts include at least one citation from articles published in the ZJHS.
8. Submission of Work
- The number of sheets must not be more than 30.
- The following documents should be uploaded to the journal system, each as a separate Word file:
- The full paper of the ZJHS Template
- Paper abstract in (Kurdish, Arabic and English) without the names and affiliations of the author(s).
- A copy of the images, graphs and maps (if any) all in one file.
- Full name of the author(s), affiliation (university, college, department) in three languages in addition to emails and telephone numbers.
- Graphic Abstract (Paper Cover Image)
- Cover letter
- Papers that do not adhere to these guidelines will not be accepted by the ZJHS.
- Contact us:
Zanco Journal of Human Sciences
Central Library of University
Kirkuk Road
Kurdistan Region
Email [email protected]
Phone Number: 00964 750 7761675
Section default policy
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses provided on this journal site will be used exclusively for the purposes specified by the journal and will not be shared with any other parties or used for any other purposes.