The Human Being According to Heidegger


  • Christina kais Hadi University of Duhok-College of Basic Education-Department of Counselor Education



Human (Dazin), Existence, Anxiety, Death


When two philosophical columns come together in one theme a magnificent mosaic is formed. This is what happened when Heidegger the wonderful existential philosopher met the concept of man which represent the pinnacle of attention of contemporary philosophy. Heidegger was creative for providing an illustration of the human composition the pattern of his composition and how he gets related to the outside world and he presented in a realistic existential physical way. Linking the importance of public existence to human existence (Aldazin). The core of existence is what exists, and in it lies the being of existence. Making the man only being who is aware of his being. The human alone is aware of his being and alone transcends his being towards his existence. The core of human is fundamental to the reality of his existence. And because of the essentiality of human existence, Heidegger made him the basis of world existence. The existence includes the asker in inexistence itself (which exists). The human existence (Aldazin) is the presence of a projectile towards the outside and there is no escape from it. so, it must accept it with all its free will as long as it cannot change this reality or this fact, so it must make it his property by uniting his existence. And the human existence in the world is linked to (existence with the other). Making his existence with others and active existence of a relationships between effective and affection. And this matter only indicates on the social of human nature and his jealousy.

The human being's existence is realized with the other and his link to the outside world here we find that this connection makes him exist concerned and carry the burden of his existence, his existence and freedom of existence are linked to the experience of anxiety. Anxiety represents a lived experience or existential emotion that reveals to man the fabric of his existence of worry. And through anxiety the human returns to his own self. Through it, the path of the Dazin is transformed from the world of the subject to the original element in its existence, as it is the one that pushes man to achieve all his potential

Also, another term that Heidegger linked to human existence is death, making the existence of the individual his goal ends with death, it is impossible to achieve another possibility after it for the existing and consider it a possibility for the individual himself. And that is because it is not useful for anyone to die instead of him or instead of him When we talk about death, it is a personal reality that no one can live instead of the individual himself who is subject to this possibility. And the existence whose journey ends with death will be in a time, flung in the time, where among the design characteristics is the time structure whose meaning of the continued existent worry is discovered. With this anxiety, the Dazin obtains its completeness in the three temporal arenas (past, present, and future), which ends through death. The human (Dazin) is temporally linked to material reality with anxiety, concern, and responsibility.


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