Investigating Teaching Literature Based-Communication in Enhancing University Students’ Intercultural Awareness: Students’ Attitudes & Teachers’ Challenges
attitude##common.commaListSeparator## literature based-communication##common.commaListSeparator## intercultural awareness##common.commaListSeparator## University students##common.commaListSeparator## challengesپوختە
This study aims at investigating University students’ attitudes toward literature based- communication in enhancing intercultural awareness, and also aims at shedding light on the challenges teachers and students face in enhancing intercultural awareness. The participants are109, 49 instructors and 60 students of English department. A set of literary texts of intercultural materials that intended to enhance intercultural awareness was selected and integrated into communication course. Two sets of survey researcher-made questionnaires, teachers’ questionnaire & students’ questionnaire are used to collect the data. For data analysis, descriptive statistics (mean score and standard deviation) are conducted via SPSS. The findings showed that the participants had highly positive attitudes toward literature based-communication in enhancing intercultural awareness, they also indicated that the intercultural elements in literary texts helped them in enhancing their intercultural awareness in a sense of respecting other cultural differences. It was also revealed that there were some challenges that teachers and students encountered during the teaching process. Therefore, integrating literature based- communication in the communication course is necessary in enriching university students’ intercultural communicative competence and enhancing their intercultural awareness.
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