A survey of the opinions of faculty members in the College of Basic Education on the use of the electronic education management system (Moodle) to face the repercussions of Corona virus


  • Elham Ahmed Hama Department of Kindergarten, College of Basic Education, Salahaddin University-Erbil




Faculty Members, E-Learning Management System, Moodle.


- The current research aims to survey the opinions of faculty members in the College of Basic Education on the use of the electronic education management system (Moodle) to face the repercussions of the Corona virus, a sample of individuals Research from (05) a faculty member, and used the descriptive analytical method. The results of the research in surveying the views of the faculty in the field of (the importance of using the system) showed a moderate degree, while the degree of each of the two fields (the prerequisites for the application of the system and the obstacles to its use) came to a high degree. And that there are no statistically significant differences in the use of the system in the variable of specialization (human and applied) alike. The results also show no There were differences in the three fields of use of the system according to the scientific rank variable, and statistically significant differences were found in the use of the system in the educational experience variable in the field of the importance of using the e-learning management system (Moodle) for those with less than (5) years of experience (5) and (5) years of experience. And from (more than 10 years), either in the second and third areas(Requirements and application of the use of the electronic education management system (Moodle) and its obstacles), the researcher did not find statistically significant differences with regard to the variable of educational experience, and based on the results of the research, a number of recommendations and proposals were arranged necessary to confront the repercussions of Corona virus.


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ETERNAL (English Teaching Journal). 11(1. (

الملحقات : رابط الاستبيان الألكتروني



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