The Role of Psychological Resilience in Reducing Stress and its Impact on Adaptation for Families of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder


  • Osama Farouk Mustafa Vice Dean of the College of Special Education, Head of the Department of Emotional and Behavioral, University of Egypt for Science and Technology
  • Israa Naeem Hamdan Member of the Supreme Central Committee for Autism Spectrum Disorder



psychological resilience - stress - adaptation - families of children with autism spectrum disorder.


The study focuses on analyzing the challenges facing families of individuals with autism disorder and their psychological resilience. A questionnaire was conducted on a random sample of 120 families in Iraq that include individuals with autism disorder. The study aims to understand the pressures facing these families and identify needs that can be met to provide the necessary support. The results of the questionnaire revealed the presence     of severe psychological pressure on 77% of families, and their urgent need for family guidance and advice in dealing with their children. In addition, there was a lack of moral, psychological and material support, and they were extremely concerned about the future of their children. The research highlights the importance of providing support and guidance to these individuals to enhance psychological resilience and improve their quality of life.


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