Principles and Goals of Environmental Education: A Theoretical and Analytic Study


  • Ibrahim Mohammed Braim Department of Sociology, College of Arts, Salahaddin University-Erbil, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Mohammed Hussein Shwany Department of Sociology, College of Arts, Salahaddin University-Erbil, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



education, environment, educational goals, environmental education, environmental awareness.


Since the social and economic effects and pressures have increased on our environment, it is necessary to take appropriate measures to combat the changes and we need to have awareness and knowledge to know how to deal with these changes. One such effect is through environmental education of the individuals and making it part of social construction. It is undeniable fact that environmental issues are due to human negligence and unhealthy treatment of the people. Therefore, educating citizens could be one important way to combat this change and environmental issues.

This paper entitled (Principles and Goals of Environmental Education) aims to illustrate those principles that foster and emphasize environmental education. Moreover, it attempts to answer what is the role of philosophy of education and what purpose does it try to serve and what behavioral change can it create in the individuals’ awareness about the environment.

To achieve these aims, this paper employs descriptive analytic method has been used to educate people in environmental issues and how to combat these changes in environment to find scientific solutions.

The paper came to the conclusion that environmental education has been used as an effective way to increase environmental awareness in the past seventy years amongst its principles are the comprehensiveness, sustainability, and viewing it as national and social heritage. The goals are to change in individuals’ behavior towards the environment and increase the quality of life which is fulfilled through protection of the environment.


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