Mental Fitness and Its Relationship to Systemic Thinking of a Kindergarten Teacher in the Kurdistan Region – Iraq
Mental fitness, Systemic thinking, Kindergarten teachers.پوختە
The current research aims to identify the level of mental fitness of the kindergarten teachers in the Kurdistan region / Iraq, the statistical difference in the level of mental fitness of the kindergarten teachers in the Kurdistan region / Iraq according to the variables (province, length of teaching experience, economic status, health status), the level of systemic thinking with kindergarten teachers in the Kurdistan region / Iraq, the statistical difference in the level of systemic thinking of the kindergarten teachers in the Kurdistan region / Iraq according to the variables (province, years of teaching experience, economic status, health status), mental fitness and its relationship to the systemic thinking of the kindergarten teachers in the Kurdistan region / Iraq according to the variables (province, years of teaching experience, economic status, health status) where the research sample reached (336) kindergarten teachers in the Kurdistan region / Iraq for the academic year (2021-2022), distributed as follows:
The province of Erbil (91), Dohuk (91), Sulaymaniyah (127), and Halabja (27), and to achieve the objectives of the research, the two researchers made a mental fitness scale for the kindergarten teachers. The scale consisted of (31) items with two alternatives (0, 1) and the construction of the systemic thinking scale, which consisted of (36) items, with five alternatives (0,1,2,3,4). The face validity and psychometric characteristics of the mental fitness scale and the systemic thinking scale were extracted. The stability of the mental fitness scale reached (0.72) and the systemic thinking scale was (0.70). The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to process the data, and the study reached the following results:
- The level of mental fitness is high for the kindergarten teachers.
- There is a difference in the level of mental fitness of the kindergarten teachers, according to the province variable, in favor of Sulaymaniyah and Halabja provinces.
- There is no difference in the level of mental fitness of the kindergarten teachers according to the variable of years of teaching experience.
- There is no difference in the level of mental fitness of the kindergarten teachers, according to the economic status variable.
- There is a difference in the level of mental fitness of the kindergarten teacher, according to the health status variable.
- The level of systemic thinking is high for the kindergarten teachers.
7.There is a difference in the level of systemic thinking of the kindergarten teacher according to the governorate variable and in favor of Erbil governorate.
8.There is a difference in the level of systemic thinking of the kindergarten teacher, according to the variable of years of service.
- There is no difference in the level of systemic thinking of the kindergarten teacher according to the variable of economic status.
- There is a difference in the level of systemic thinking of the kindergarten teachers, according to the health status variable.
- There is a correlation between the mental fitness and the systemic thinking of the kindergarten teachers according to the variables (province, length of teaching experience, economic status, health status).
Through the results, the two researchers reached a set of recommendations and proposals.
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