The U.S. Attitude to the Kurdish Question in Iran 1942-1959: A Historical and Documentary Study
Kurdish question in Iran##common.commaListSeparator## Soviet##common.commaListSeparator## U.S.##common.commaListSeparator## CIA##common.commaListSeparator## Mullah Mustafa Barzani##common.commaListSeparator## Iran##common.commaListSeparator## Iraq and Turkeyپوختە
The Kurdish National Movement in Iran is one of the significance stage of the Kurdish national movement in the Middle East particularly this period under this study, as this period is considered to be the beginning of strengthen Kurdish national movement in Iran and the U.S attitude to the Kurdish question in Iran. Hence this period is being taken into an account in order to examine the Kurdish situation and their question in Iran also the U.S. evaluation of the Kurdish national movement in Iran and the role of Kurdish movement in gathering the US and Iranian so closely.
In this regard this study aims to answer some relating questions such as how strong was the Kurdish question at that time? How was the Kurdish national movement influenced Iran during this period? Did the Kurdish question affect the U.S. interests? What was the soviet role in the Kurdish question?
6. بەلگەنامێن ئەمریکى یێن نەبەلاڤکرى:
6.ئەرشیڤێ نەتەوەیى یێ ئەمریکا
-123Dooher, Gerald F.P: Telegram, 1946, A visit in present circumstances to Mahabad as guest of Qazi Mohammad’s, telegram from the Acting Secretary of state to the vice consul at Tabriz (Dooher), Department of State, Washington. DC, 29 April, 1946.
-740.0011Europeanwar1939/24546: telegram, Soviet military authorities have asked Iran government to send a brigade of troops to Tabriz, from the minister in Iran (Dreyfus) to the Secretary of state, department of State, Washington. DC, 28 September 1942.
-891.00/1854: telegram, prime minister yesterday in conference with Ambassador Standley, telegram from the minister to Tehran (Dreyfus) to the Secretary of state, Department of State, Washington. DC, 3 April, 1942.
-891.00/1862: telegram, Reports deterioration of Situation at Rezaieh, telegram from the minister to Tehran (Dreyfus) to the Secretary of state, Department of State, Washington. DC, 3 May, 1942.
-891.00/1862: telegram, the Legation Tehran reports that activities of rebellious Kurdish tribes in Rezaieh section, telegram from the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Standley) to the Secretary of state, Department of State, Washington. DC, 6 May, 1942.
-891.00/1866: telegram, My number 134. Kuniholm reports as follows, telegram from the minister to Tehran (Dreyfus) to the Secretary of state, Department of State, Washington. DC, 3 May, 1942.
-891.00/1867: telegram, Iranian Ambassador called on me this morning and informed me as follows, telegram from the Ambassador in Turkey (Stenhardt) to the Secretary of state, Department of State, Washington. DC, 4 May, 1942.
-891.00/1870: telegram, department’s telegram 203, telegram from the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Standley) to the Secretary of state, Department of State, Washington. DC, 10 May, 1942.
-891.00/1871: telegram, following from Kuniholm, telegram from the minister to Tehran (Dreyfus) to the Secretary of state, Department of State, Washington. DC, 12 May, 1942.
-891.00/2095, 1943, The department’s instruction No.293, the Charge in Iran (Ford) to the Secretary of State, Washington. DC, 10 January, 1942.
-891.00/2095, 1943, The department’s instruction No.771, the Charge in Iran (Ford) to the Secretary of State, Washington. DC, 29 December, 1943.
-CIA,1946, Iran: Kurdish-Azarbaijani Agreement reported, central intelligent agency report, from Tabriz to the Department of the State, Washington, D.C., US, 27 April, 1946
-Memorandum by Mr. John Jernegan of the Division of Near Eastern Affairs, 1943, American Policy in Iran, Department of State, Washington. DC, 23 January 1943)
-Report on Address by the Director of the office of near eastern and African Affairs “Henderson”, 1947, U.S. Support for Iranian Development Pledged, Department of State, Washington. DC,3 October 1947
-National Archives, 7387459. 1941, The Atlantic Charter, records of the office of war information, department of state, Washington D.C., 14 August, 1941.
-891.00/3-1745: Telegram, 1945, REmb’s 112 February 22 and 160 March, Telegram from the Ambassador in Iran (Morris) to the Secretary of State, Department of State, Washington. DC, 17 March 1945
-891.00/1865: telegram, referring to my no.134, May 1, telegram from the minister to Tehran (Dreyfus) to the Secretary of state, Department of State, Washington. DC, 3 May, 1942.
-891.00/6-1046: Telegram, 1946, conference with Qavam this morning, the Ambassador in Iran (Allen) to the secretary of State, Department of State, Washington. DC, 16 June 1946.
-891.00/7-1645, 1945, shah talked at length and with great frankness of his fears for Iran’s future, Telegram from the Ambassador in Iran (Morris) to the Secretary of Stathe, Department of State, Washington. DC, 5 May 1945
-891.105A/11: Attached a communication date January6, 1942, memorandum by the chief of the Division of Near Eastern Affairs (Murray) to the Assistant of State (Berle), Washington. DC, 10 January, 1942.
-788.00,4-1950, Memorandum, 1950, the Iranian Crisis, Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of state for Near Eastern, South Asian and African Affairs (McGhee) to the secretary of state, Department of State, Washington. DC, 25 April 1950.
-711.91/2-149, 1949, Iran: Objectives and policy issues, Secret Policy Statement on Iran Prepared in the Department of State, Department of State, Washington. DC,1 February 1949.
-761.91/4-248: Telegram, 1948, except for original Soviet Note January 32, telegram from the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the Secretary of State, Department of State, Washington. DC,2 April 1947
-801.00/4-848: Telegram, 1948, increased covert activity Tudeh Party and Sympathizers, telegram from the Ambassador in Iran (Wiley) to the Secretary of State, Department of State, Washington. DC,8 April 1948
-891.00/5-545, 1945, refer to the raid by Kurdish tribesmen on Mahabad, Telegram from the Ambassador in Iran (Morris) to the Secretary of State, Department of State, Washington. DC, 5 May 1945
-891.24/2021/2, Memorandum. 9142. Memorandum of conversation, by Mr. John D. Jernegan of the Division of Near East Eastern Affairs, Department of State, Washington. DC, 1 May, 1942
-891.00/12-2046: Telegram, 1946, Iran GOVT has been abke reassert authority over Azerbaijan, secret telegram from the secretary of state to the Ambassador in Iran (Allen), 20 December 1946
-891.24591/5-2146: Telegram, 1946, A telegram from the Iranian Prime Minister, from the ambassador in Iran (Allen) to the Secretary of State, Department of State, Washington. DC,21 May 1946
-891.00/2-2245: Telegram, 1945, At Personal Request of Shah, Telegram from the Ambassador in Iran (Morris) to the Secretary of Stathe, Department of State, Washington. DC, 22 February 1945
-891.00/8-2345, 1943, United States Policy Towards Iran, Memorandum by the Director of the Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs (Henderson) to the Secretary of Stathe, Department of State, Washington. DC, 23 August 1945.
-891.50/4-2849: Telegram, 1949, Economic and Social projects listed by Prime Minister of Iran, telegram from the Ambassador in Iran (Wiley) to the secretary of state, Department of State, Washington. DC,28 April 1949
-891.00/5-2948: Telegram, 1948, considerable activity among Iranian Ex-democrats, telegram from the Ambassador in Iran (Wiley) to the Secretary of state, Department of State, Washington. DC,29 May 1948
-891.00/1-2949: Telegram, 1949, following is substance oral statement made to Iranian Ambassador, to secret telegram from the Secretary of state to the Embassy in Iran Department of State, Washington. DC,29 January 1949
-788.00/10-3152, Telegram, 1952, Dept greatly appreciates ur thoughtful tel 1765 Oct 30, n0.233, telegram from the acting secretary of state to the Embassy in Iran, department of state, Washington. DC,31 October 1952.
6.بەڵگەنامێن هەوالگێرییا ئەمریکا CIA
-CIA Memorandum, 1972, Recent Trends in Iranian Arms procurement, central intelligent agency report, from Iran to the Department of the State, Washington, D.C., May, 1972
-CIA, 1946, Iran: Additional Report on Kurdish attitudes, central Intelligence Agency, Department of State, Washington, D.C., 29 April, 1946
-CIA, 1946, Iran: New Kurdish Uprising, memorandum of current Intelligence, central intelligent Group, from Iran to the Department of the State, Washington, D.C., 27 June, 1946
-CIA, 1946, Iran: Soviet Moves, central intelligent agency report, from Iran to the Department of the State, Washington, D.C., 11 March, 1946
-CIA, 1947, Development in the Azerbaian Situation, Central Intelligence Group, central intelligent agency report, from Tabriz to the Department of the State, Washington, D.C., 4 June, 1947
-CIA, 1947, Iran, the central intelligent agency, office of current intelligence report on Iran to the Department of the State, Washington, D.C., 1 August, 1947.
-CIA, 1951, Kurds Create Disturbance in Western Iran, the central intelligent agency, office of current intelligence report on Iran to the Department of the State, Washington, D.C., 12 September, 1951
-CIA, 1952, Turkish Fears of Kurdish Uprising Discounted by US Army Attache, Office of Current Intelligence, Top Secert Security Information, Current Intelligence Bulletin, to Director of Central Intelligence Smith, Department of State, Washington, D.C., 22 March, 1952
-CIA, 1953, Internal threat to Iranian security, from the Memorandum Indian Ambassador has interview with Stalin, central intelligence gency, Department of State, Washington. DC, 18 February, 1953.
-CIA, 1953, Iranian Tribes Reported Restive, central intelligence agency, Department of State, Washington. DC,13 February, 1953
-CIA, 1953, Probable developments in Iran through 1953, central intelligence agency, Department of State, Washington. DC, 9 January, 1953.
-CIA, 1956, Probable Consequences of US Adherence or Non-Adherence to the Baghdad Pact, the central intelligent agency, Special National Intelligence Estimate, Department of State, Washington, D.C., 14 December, 1956
-CIA, 1959, the Communist Bloc: USSR-Iran, from central intelligence agency Bulletin, Department of State, Washington. DC, 30 April, 1959
-CIA, 1972, R-ecent Trends in Iranian Arms Procurement, the central intelligent agency, office of current intelligence report, Department of State, Washington, D.C., May, 1972
CIA, 1972, Update of Iran handbook, from central intelligence agency Bulletin, Department of State, Washington. DC, April, 1972
-CIA, 1972, Update of Iran Handbook, the central intelligent agency, office of current intelligence report on Iran to the Department of the State, Washington, D.C., April, 1972
-CIA, 1979, Kurds control southwest Azarbaijan, central intelligent agency report, from Syria to the Department of the State, Washington, D.C., US,17 July, 1979
-CIA, Situation in Iran, Memorandum from the Assistant Director of the Office of National Estimate (Langer) to Director of Central Intelligence Smith, Department of State, Washington, D.C., 20 April, 1951
-CIA,1946, Iraq: New Defensive Steps against possible attack, memorandum of current Intelligence, central intelligent agency report, from Iran to the Department of the State, Washington, D.C., 18 April, 1946
-CIA,1946, New defensive steps against possible attack, US Legation Baghdad report to the department of state, Washington, D.C., 4 April, 1946
-CIA,1946b, Soviet-Iranian economic Negotioans, the central intelligent agency, office of current intelligence report on Iran to the Department of the State, Washington, D.C., 18 April, 1946b
-CIA,1955, Communist Gains in Syria, Current Intelligence Group Intelligence Report, from Syria/Turkey/Iraq/ Iran to the Department of State, Washington, D.C., 4 January, 1955
-CIA,1958, Kurdish Tribesmen Attack Iranian Town, Central Intelligence Bulletin, Daily Brief, the Department of State, Washington, D.C., 28 June, 1958
-CIA,1959, Kurdish Terrorist Network Reported uncovered in Iran, central intelligence agency Bulletin, Department of State, Washington. DC,10 October, 1959
-CIA. 1946, Conference with Kurdish Leaders, central intelligent agency report, from Syria to the Department of the State, Washington, D.C., US,12 December, 1946
-CIA,1946b, Soviet-Iranian Economic Negations, the central intelligent agency, office of current intelligence report on Iran to the Department of the State, Washington, D.C., 18 April, 1946b
-CIA, 1963, The Kurdish minority Iraq, BI-Weekly Propaganda Guidance,11 March, 1963.
-CIA, 1956, Probable Consequences of US Adherence or Non-Adherence to the Baghdad Pact, the central intelligent agency, Special National Intelligence Estimate, Department of State, Washington, D.C., 14 December, 1956.
-CIA, 1980, National Voice of Iran Broadcasts: January-March 1980, an Intelligence memorandum, Central Intelligence Agency National Foreign Assessment Center, Department of State, Washington. DC., April, 1980.
6. بەڵگەنامێن ئەنجوومەنێ ئاسایشا نەتەوەییێ ئەمریکا
-NSC5402 1954, United States Policy Toward Iran General Considerations, No.403, State of Policy by the National Security council, Department of State, Washington. DC, 2 January 1954.
6. بەڵگەنامێن وەزارەتا دەرڤە یا ئەمریکا
-891.24/1821111111: Telegram, 1942, Discussions with British Legation and Jackson head of MESC, Telegram from the Minister in Iran (Dreyfus) to the Secretary of State, Department of State, Washington, D.C, 23 April, 1942
-Department of State, 1945, Transmitting Translation of Docuements on Kurdish Situation, The Foreign Service of the United States of America in Baghdad to the Secretary of State, Department of the State, Washington, D.C., 6 September, 1945.
-Department of State, 1947, United States of America and Iarn Agreement relating to a military mission to Iran, Signed at Tehran on 6 October 1947, department of state, Washington. DC, 6 October, 1947
-Department of State, 1955, the Baghdad Pact (1955) and the Central Treaty Organization (CENTO), Department of State, Washington, D.C., 24 February, 1955
-Department of State, 1958, Rome for Jernegan. Deptel 1605, Telegram from the Embassy in Iraq to the Department of State, department of state, Washington. DC, 22 December, 1958
-Department of State, 1958, Telegram from the Embassy in Iraq to the Department of State, department of state, Washington. DC, 16 December, 1958
-Department of State, 1958, USC Consideration of United States Policy Toward Iraq, Memorandum from the Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs (Rountree) to Acting Secretary of State Dillon, department of state, Washington. DC, 22 December, 1958b
-Department of State,.1950 The Recent Developments in Connection with the Kurdish, From Baghdad to the State Department, Department of State, Washington, D.C., US, 10 April, 1950.
-Department of State,1943, Discussion of Current American-Iranian Relations, telegram fro the minister in Iran (Dreyfus) to the secretary of state, Department of State, Washington, D.C, 9 March, 1943
-Embassy in Tehran,1950, Priority Aims and Objectives of USIE Program, from AMEMBASSY to Tehran to the Secretary of State, Department of State, Washington, D.C., 5 April, 1950
-Department of State, 1955, the Baghdad Pact (1955) and the Central Treaty Organization (CENTO), Department of State, Washington, D.C., 24 February, 1955
-861.24591 /3-1846: Telegram, 1946, Gagarine and Rossow have requested permission to trip from Tabriz to Rezaieh, ambassador in Iran (Murray) to the Secretary of State, Departement of State, Department of the State, Washington, D.C., 18 March, 1946
-891.00/6-2045: Telegram, 1945, 416. Prime Minister Sadr Yesterday Spoke to me about what he called serious if not disastrous Iranian political situation, telegram form the Ambassador in Iran (Murray) to the Secretary of state, Department of State, Washington, D.C, 20 June, 1945
6بەڵگەنامێن کوجکا سپى
-Memorandum of conversation, 1945, Memorandum of Conversation by the acting chief of the Dvision of Middle Eastern Affairs (Minor), department of state, Washington. DC, 18 June, 1945
6 .تۆمارێن کونگرێسى
-Congressional Record-House, 1951, committee on foreign affairs Survey activities of the committee on foreign affairs, house of representatives, eighty-first congress, The U.S. House, Washington.DC., 1951
6 . پەرتووکخانەیا ئەیزنهاوەرى
-Eisenhower Library, 1959, Iraq, Memorandum prepapred by the Assistan White House Staff Secertary (Eisenhower), The U.S. Senate, Washington.DC., 21 July, 1959
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