From Feminine Anger to Rebellion: Martha’s Defiance in Lessing’s Children of Violence via Ahmed’s Resistance Theory


  • Bahar Bahmani Komasi English Department, College of Social Sciences, Science and Research Branch, Azad University, Tehran, Iran



anger, defiance, identity, rebellion, tradition, woman



This study examines themes of anger and rebellion against societal constructions, traditions, and prescriptive roles in Doris Lessing’s Children of Violence series, focusing on the protagonist, Martha Quest, through Sara Ahmed’s concepts in Resistance Theory. In this framework, Martha’s anger, framed as a political rather than purely emotional response, serves as a catalyst for resisting and rebelling against oppressive structures in her pursuit of freedom and autonomy. This analysis explores how Martha’s anger, defiance, and rebellion empower her to reclaim her independence and challenge societal constraints. Moreover, this research highlights Martha’s resistance to traditional familial roles and restrictive expectations, enabling her to break down the “Good Woman” narrative and create space to express her authentic self. The findings reveal that Lessing tries to convey her critique of unequal social norms, emphasizing the transformative power of anger, defiance, and rebellion in reshaping identities and creating new spaces for women. She also presents anger as a conscious recognition of marginalization. Furthermore, this study provides a fresh critical study on Lessing’s work, highlighting the intersection of defiance, rebellion, and feminine political agency within a colonial context, and providing a new understanding of anger and rebellion as a source of empowerment and resistance.


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