The Importance of the Global Positioning System (GPS) in Geographical Studies
Global Position system, Geographic information system, Maps, coordinates, Hilla district.Abstract
This research focuses on studying the Global Positioning System by clarifying the reasons that led to its emergence, in addition to studying its concept and its importance in geographical research through the vast information it provides through which geographical studies seek to establish the pillars of their studies with very high accuracy. It was also addressed to Its three components are the space unit, the main control unit, and the ground receiver unit in detail, and a study of the uses of the system, as the Global Positioning System has multiple uses that serve geographic research by entering its spatial location data into the Geographic Information Systems program For the purpose of marking various ground points on maps with great ease and ease, this is done either by recalling them through the Excel program or entering the points directly to know the locations of various points on the ground to study their geographical distribution or to know the pattern of that distribution and the extent of its efficiency, and this is done according to the desire of the researcher.
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