The Relationship of Education to Coexistence
Education, Coexistence, Identity, Multiculturalism, RecognizationAbstract
The purpose of this study was to examine the correlation between education and coexistence. To this end, a descriptive method using a survey design was employed and disproportionate stratified sampling was used. A total sample of 400 secondary school students were studied.
The results of the study reveal that education has a positive effect on co-existence with the effect size of 0.543. This means that with the increase of each standard deviation of education, the coexistence increases by 0.543 standard deviations and vice versa.
It was also shown that among the dimensions of education, only commitment to norms had an effect on education, whereas the other dimensions have an effect as a package on coexistence. This tells that education should be directed at students as a complete package in order to have its effect.
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