Situation of Services in the Field of Juvenile Care in Erbil Women and Children Correctional Directorate
Juvenile, Social service, Juvenile RehabilitationAbstract
The study's goal is to portray the service situation in the field of juvenile care at Erbil's Women and Children Correctional Directorate, as seen through the eyes of juveniles, instructors, social and psychological researchers. This is a descriptive analytical research using mixed methodologies, including a detailed social survey and interviews. For social sciences, statistical software (SPSS) was employed. The Erbil Women and Children Correctional Directorate is the research community. Results: Males make up the majority of juveniles, and females are historically less likely to be sent to women's and children's penal institutions; the service situation in the field of juvenile care is favorable, according to adolescents, teachers, social and psychological researchers. The coordination between official and casual functions is excellent. It has been recommended to the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs to enhance services. Suggestion; Conduct a comparable study, but make it more extensive and incorporate many additional facets of juvenile care.
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