A Critical Discourse Analysis of Sexism in “The Bastard of Istanbul”
https://doi.org/10.21271/zjhs.27.SpA.27الكلمات المفتاحية:
CDA ، sexism، inferiority، ideology، The Bastard of Istanbulالملخص
The objective of this research is to critically analyse and represent sexism, which is a prejudice or discrimination based on an individual’s gender, in the discourse of the selected novel. This study tackles two questions: "How is sexist ideology constructed in the selected texts of the novel?" and "How are linguistic markers used to help the readers realise the relevant ideology?" The study is qualitative, and its focus is restricted to critically studying Elif Shafak's novel "The Bastard of Istanbul" (TBI) as the primary data source. Fairclough’s (1992) CDA three-dimensional framework is essentially applied in combination with van Dijk's square ideological notion and Jeffries’s Critical Stylistics Analysis (2010). It is concluded that eastern cultures, generally, have a strong ideology of gender bias against women and language reflects social power and is used as a tool of control
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الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2023 ASMAA Azeez, Suhayla Majeed , SalamNeamah Hirmiz Hakeem

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