The Educational System and The Factors for Sending Children to Non-governmental Schools(An analytical study)
DOI:الكلمات المفتاحية:
Education، Educational System، Public Schools، Private Schoolsالملخص
Education plays an important role in the social and economic development of any society. The importance of education is recognized worldwide, it is a process that makes the individual self-confident, conscious and active, a process that improves the individual's abilities and the economy, through his knowledge and talents.
Non-governmental schools have become an obvious phenomenon in the Kurdistan Region and their number is increasing every year. Although public education is free, people trust non-governmental education more than public education. This study attempts to explain the education system in the Kurdistan Region and some of the reasons why parents send their children to non-governmental education. The method used in this study is the analysis of a number of statistics and images related to the educational system and non-governmental and public schools. Among the main objectives of this study: The number of such schools has increased dramatically in a very short period of time. One of the main reasons for the prevalence of this method of education is primarily due to the poor and weak public education system, so that the government has not been able to establish a good public education system for three decades It is a compulsory decision and people if they cannot afford it and have to pay for it just to send their children to private schools. Non-governmental schools and the provision of services have adopted a commercial approach. The reasons for choosing a non-governmental school from the perspective of parents are varied, not just one, including social, economic and cultural.
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