Spatial Analysis for the major element soil nutrients, and the effectiveness on Wheat and barley production in Ranya district
DOI:الكلمات المفتاحية:
Spatial analysis، Bakhtiar Zewar's Poems.، , nitrogen، phosphorus، potassiumالملخص
The aim of this research is to analyzing and finding out the major elements soil nutrients in Ranya district, which are (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium). They are very important in agriculture and we can find out the fertility of the soil for each crop. For this research (39) soil samples were taken from a depth of (0 - 30) cm. Through the use of UOGER, random sampling and downloading the area of soil samples on a map using by GPS, taking into account the distribution of soil samples into soil types according to Buringh classification, This is done by finding out the area of soil samples based on the soil map of the study area and before the start of the agricultural season (2020-2021). Also, examination the laboratory results of soil samples in the shapes of tables and presenting them on maps by Using information systems programs (Arc Gis) geographies to get the results of the research we depends on the methods of searching (inductive) and methods of analysis by usage of Field shape and mathematical methods for examining the research datas. In this study, we concluded that the major soil nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) are low in the study area; Therefore, N.P.K should be applied annually to improve soil fertility. For wheat and barley production in Ranya district.
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