The The social determinants of value of change, a field study of a sample of IDPs returning from the Kurdistan Region


  • Juan Ismail Bakr College of Arts, Department of Sociology, Salahaddin University- Erbil
  • Khaled Mahmoud Hami Sociology Department/ College of Arts - University of Mosul


الكلمات المفتاحية:

social determinants ، value، IDPs


This research aims to monitor, describe and analyze some aspects and trends related to the social determinants of value of change among the displaced returning from Kurdistan Region to the city of Mosul, by answering the paragraphs of the research scale, which were prepared to reflect the research objectives of identifying the impact of displacement on the extent to which the new value system is accepted by returning displaced persons, by answering the paragraphs of the research scale, which were prepared to reflect the research objectives of identifying the impact of displacement on the extent to which the new value system is accepted by returning displaced persons, by answering the paragraphs of the research scale, which were prepared to reflect the research objectives of identifying the impact of displacement on the extent to which the new value system is accepted by returning displaced persons, to identify the indications of differences in value change according to the variables of research (sex, age, educational attainment, occupation, quality of housing, social situation, economic situation, number of children, period of displacement), as well as the basis for the descriptive analytical method of analysis of results, the size of the research sample was (300) units in the age group of (20+) years of returning displaced persons, while the research tool may be from a measure built by researchers for the purposes of this research consisting of 40 paragraphs in five dimensions (social dimension, ethical dimension, political dimension, cultural and economic dimension), with four alternatives, they are (fully applies to me – applies to me – does not apply to me - never applies to me) and the tool has been published electronically via Google forms. Value of returning displaced people rejecting the null hypothesis (H0) There is no relationship between social determinants and value change among displaced people returning to the city of Mosul from Erbil, the capital of Kurdistan Region /Iraq, and accepting the research hypothesis (H1) that shows the existence of the relationship.




