A Proposed Strategy for Developing Professional Services Provided to Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder Fromthe Perspective of Service Providers in Jordan
https://doi.org/10.21271/zjhs.28.s3.10الكلمات المفتاحية:
professional services, autism spectrum disorder, service providers in Jordanالملخص
The aim of the study is to identify a proposed strategy for developing professional services provided to individuals with autism spectrum disorder from the point of view of service providers in Jordan. To achieve the aim of the study, the descriptive analytical approach and the qualitative approach were used, and the study population consisted of (86) individuals from professional service providers. The study tool consisted of (8) fields: (the field of eligibility and referral, the field of the approved individual rehabilitation program, the field of vocational evaluation, the field of vocational guidance and counselling, the field of vocational preparation, the field of vocational training, the field of vocational employment and supported employment, the field of follow-up services).
The results showed that the level of professional services provided to individuals with autism spectrum disorder, from the point of view of service providers in Jordan as a whole, was at an arithmetic mean of (2.92) and with a rating level of (medium). It was also shown that there were no statistically significant differences in the responses of service providers regarding the level of services. The professionalism provided to individuals with autism spectrum disorder, from their point of view in Jordan, is due to years of experience in the field of providing vocational rehabilitation services to students and training courses. In answering the open question, it was found that the strategy of providing specialized programs to rehabilitate students with autism spectrum disorder in Jordan had the highest percentage. It amounted to (32.5%), and the study reached a set of recommendations, the most prominent of which is training and qualifying cadres who work with autism spectrum disorder.
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