Exchanging presents Ayubian State, state and Islamic powers
https://doi.org/10.21271/zjhs.26.4.3الكلمات المفتاحية:
Gift، Ayubian state، Sultan Salahadin، Abbasi Khalifat، Ayubis Kingsالملخص
This research is a historical study about the (exchanging presents Ayubian State, state and Islamic powers), the important of this study is that it shows the friendly and political relationship of Ayubian State with the State, Islamic powers which includes Abbasian Khalifat, zangi family, Saljuqya Rom state, Muahidin state, Artaqyan and king of Hijaz. In this prespective, the exchanging of presents strengthened the relationship among Sultans, Ayubian king, kings of state, at the same time, exchanging these presents reduced the tension among them.
الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2022 Zanco Journal of Humanity Sciences

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