Critical Discourse Analysis of Ideology in Judy Blume’s “Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing”


  • Binin Mustafa Saeed Department of Physics,College of Science,Salahaddin University-Erbil


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Discourse analysis, critical discourse analysis, ideology, children’s literature.


This paper employs critical discourse analysis to examine the ideology present in Judy Blume's "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing." Critical discourse analysis offers a robust analytical framework for exploring the interplay between discourse and ideology, shedding light on how ideologies are generated, reflected, and contested through language use. This paper endeavors to conduct a rigorous examination of ideology, seeking to offer a nuanced comprehension of the underlying ideologies present in the text mentioned above. The primary objective is to elucidate the potential ramifications of these ideologies for the prospect of instigating meaningful social change.
This study acknowledges the pivotal role of discourse in not only acquiring but also perpetuating ideologies. It delves into the specific mechanisms through which discourse can challenge and subsequently modify prevailing ideological frameworks, recognizing the intricate interplay between language and the evolution of societal beliefs. By engaging in this analysis, the paper contributes to the broader academic discourse on the importance of ideology in children's literature, highlighting the significance of examining and critiquing the ideologies embedded within such texts. Ultimately, this study aims to promote inclusive, diverse, and socially conscious literature that empowers young readers and contributes to a more equitable and just society through learned lessons caused by hidden ideologies in the specific story “Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing.”



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