Fantasticism in the Novel‘Feathers’ by (Salim Barakat)
DOI:الكلمات المفتاحية:
The Fantastic Novel of Feathers by Salim Barakatالملخص
The narrative works of the Syrian Kurdish writer (Salim Barakat) are characterized by their fantastical nature in every aspect of their narrative, as they are fantastical in their narration, description, events, characters, and dialogue, and even in their intense metaphorical poetic language that does not easily surrender itself to the recipient. Among these novels is the novel (feathers), which deals with painful events. The repeated events that the Kurdish people go through, until it became a boring routine for the Kurdish individual: because they are similar in their events in introduction and as a result, they are recurring and similar revolutions in everything, especially in their tragic endings: as all these revolutions are fraught with failure, and with the beheadings of their symbols by the enemies. So, the Kurdish individual became desperate, languishing in his psychological shell created by these circumstances, which became a theme for most of Barakat’s novels, so he presents them in his works through fantastic texts that dizzy the readers’ lost heads between the alleys of its mysterious lines, the world of its events that lack rational logical connection, and intertwined narrative times. In a way that distracts the recipient between its present, its recalls and its anticipations, and the space that the narrator quickly moves like lightning between its spectra through the stream of consciousness and daydreaming in a way that makes it difficult to distinguish between the real space of the events in which the narrator stands in his immediate moment, and the imaginary places that only the feet of the narrator’s imagination have treaded. These issues and others he want The researcher, through this study, approached it and delved into its depths to extract the elements of the fantastic in the studied novel
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