Aesthetic Perception in Kurdish Theatrical Performance - A Case Study of the Play (The Continuous Story)
DOI:الكلمات المفتاحية:
Perception - Aesthetics - Philosophical Structure - Theatrical Performanceالملخص
Theatrical art and philosophy have a complementary, multidimensional relationship, in that they explore fundamental questions about the human condition and the nature of reality. Therefore, this research is a study to understand the philosophical-aesthetic dimension of presenting the play (The Continuing Story) from Kurdish culture, written and directed by (Ahmed Salar), with the aim of answering the question (What are the aesthetic concepts that are observed in the presentation of the play (The Continuing Story)?) In the theoretical framework, some of the aesthetic ideas of art were discussed, and then these different ideas and their impact on the presentation sample were analyzed, to conclude that:
- Relying on narrative, by rereading Kurdish culture from a contemporary point of view, which is close to Aristotle’s aesthetic thought for art. As for the dramatic structure, the Aristotelian dramatic structure has been broken and relies more on contemporary theories.
- Giving new dimensions to the cultural and material elements used in the display, reflecting Heidegger’s philosophical thought for the elements that are embodied in the artistic space.
- Creating a surreal world mixed with the real world, by mixing a traditional children’s story and linking it to the Kurdish political reality.
- The artwork is used as a mirror to read the history and culture of the Kurdish nation and the reflection of politics in it, and it is close to what Albert Camus believes that art is a reflection of reality.
- The artist’s experience and outlook on the artwork is not seen as an individual experience, but rather an expression of the depth of the experience of Kurdish society, and it is close to Dewey’s perception of art.
- Raising questions with the aim of reviewing culture and its reflection in society’s present and future reading, which is considered the essence and beginning of philosophical thought from its inception until now.
- Entering different layers of reality, from telling children’s stories to talking about society, history, politics, and predicting the future.
- Emphasizing the repeated mistakes that led to the failure of the Kurdish revolutions by linking them to children’s stories that reflect living ideas in the context of Kurdish society.
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نمایشی شانۆیی:
- احمد سالار (2011) نمایشی شانۆیی چیرۆکە بەردەوامەکە، هەولێر: هۆڵی میدیا.

الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 Bayar Lois Yaqoob , Balqees Ali Aldoski

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