Learning Difficulties in General Music Theories for Students of Fine Arts Institutes
https://doi.org/10.21271/zjhs.28.SpB.13الكلمات المفتاحية:
Learning difficulties, general music theories, fine arts institutesالملخص
Research aims to identify the differences in learning difficulties in the subject of the general theories of music in general and according to the differences in the gender of the students (male and female) and the academic stage (first and third). Research methodology is descriptive. The sample consisted of (195) male and female students at the Institute of Fine Arts. The questionnaire was prepared by the researcher and it consisted of (32) items. After verifying the psychometric characteristics, the scale was applied to the final sample. In procedures, statistical bag (SPSS) was used. The results showed that learning difficulties of general theories of music among the Fine Arts Institutes students were less than expected, difficulties of females were more compared to males, students of the third stage had a lower level of difficulties compared to male, but the differences did not reach the level of statistical significance. In the light of the results, Researcher offered a number of recommendations and proposals.
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