The role of investigative media in providing dimensions of public interest journalism in the Kurdistan Region


  • Arshad Khaleel Asaad Department of Media, College of Arts, Salahaddin University-Erbil
  • Nazakat Hussein Hama Saeed Department of Media, College of Humanities, Sulaimani University
  • Araz Ramazan Ahmad Directorate of Media, Presidency, Raperin University


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Investigative Media and Public Interest Journalism ، Embodiment and Dimensions ، Kurdistan Region



This study examines the role of investigative media in building public interest journalism, which is a new and effective form today and has an important impact on public interest, public ethics, public good and human service. This study examines the important dimensions of public interest journalism, including social responsibility, ethics and professionalism, and then the impact of : Investigative media in building public interest journalism.

This research is an analytical research in which the method of content analysis is used. Examples of analytical research include research articles in Kurdistan 24 and NRT and websites and websites (Diplomatic Magazine, Bowar News, Nerij and Kirkuk Naw). The total number of articles analyzed in all six media institutions is 101 articles. The main objective of this study is to find out the relationship and role of grassroots media in building public interest journalism in the Kurdistan Region.

The results of the study showed that,The media institutions in the sample of the study have defined their goals in : Investigative media issues, and have worked to achieve them relatively well and to varying degrees, and have worked on the basic principles of public interest journalism.


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