Communication Impairment in Aphasia Patients: A Neuropragmatic Study
Aphasia, Communication Impairment, Neuropragmatics, Pragmatics.Abstract
This paper is an attempt to introduce the theoretical concepts relating to the relationship between the brain and communication. It aims to explore communication difficulties experienced by individuals with aphasia. Using a neuropragamtic analysis, it investigates the challenges the aphasia patients face in their attempts to convey meaning within various communicative contexts. By showing how linguistic impairments intersect with pragmatic skills, this study enhances the understating of pragmatic processing in those with neurological impairments. In defining communication impairment, a neurological foundation of language in the brain is clarified. All the areas responsible for producing and comprehending language are presented along with explaining how lesions to the areas result in different language disorders. The last part of the study is devoted to the study of pragmatics from a neurological perspective where there is a description of the pragmatic skills of people who suffer from a brain injury. The emphasis, however, is on conversation as a major type of interpersonal communication to show how the cooperative principle and the maxims as the basic concepts of pragmatics are affected by aphasia which results in communication impairment.
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