The Impact of the Intersection of Characters and the Nature of Events on the Branching Text the Poem (Mawqif) by the Poet Fereydoun Abdul Barzanji is an Example
Character, Event, Branching, Luminous Circle, Shadow Circle, Dark CircleAbstract
The research deals with the phenomenon of bifurcation (branching) of the artistic form in the narrative poem, which results in an interactive structure whose events take place through an intersection with the dialogues that take place between the characters participating in the artistic work or that have an impact on its results, or as the poet seeks to maintain the balance between The shifting of the imbalanced equations in the content and the sequence of the rhythm of the lines of suggestive phrases within the ongoing struggle over the space allowed for the form, which includes three sequential circles that vary in form and differ in the topic they occupy. The central circle is the bright area in which the main event of the poem takes place. The second circle is the shaded area centered around the center and the supporting events takes place. The third circle is the dark, ambiguous area that raises questions that occupy the reader’s imagination. In order to analyze the phenomenon of bifurcation and clarify its purposes within those circles. We decided to apply it to the poem (Masquf) by the poet Fereydoun Abdul Barzani.
The research consists of two parts: The first section includes two axes, the first is concerned with the theoretical aspect of the topic. It provides a definition of the term hypertext, its concept, its place in literary critical discourse, its linguistic and artistic connotations, and then its direct relationship with the recipient. The second axis focuses on the artistic dimensions of the poem (Mawqif), dissecting its structure, and demonstrating the consistent weights of the content of its lines in a group of its poetic sentences. In the second section, there are two axes: the first focuses on the artistic structure of the three circles of the poem (Mawqif) and the different branches in it that are combined in a harmonious and integrated manner. The second axis emphasizes the contents of the branched branches that converge in characteristics with different literary schools of thought, which is the feature that is unique to the branched text. (Prangink) for narrative poem.
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