Unleashing Creative Potential: Exploring theTransformative Impact of Canva on Students’ Engagement and Performance in Writing


  • Baraat Ismael Faqe Abdulla Department of English, College of Education, Salahaddin University-Erbil




Impact, Canva, Students, Engagement, Performance, Writing.


Writing in English is not an easy task for students learning as their second or third language. This task will become easier with the use of technology. This study aims to look into the effects of Canva, a well-known graphic design tool, on students’ writing participation and general performance. The study has been conducted on first year students of English Department- College of Education at Salahaddin University-Erbil. Three tools are used in the study’s mixed method approach for data collection: qualitative observation, qualitative questionnaire, and quantitative questionnaire. The findings demonstrate that Canva has a significant impact on students’ motivation for writing in the English language because they enjoy using the graphic design tool while they write. The research findings will offer insightful information about the advantages of incorporating Canva in writing instruction, highlighting its role in increasing student engagement and motivation


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