A Study on Love and Family Relations in Halit Ziya Uşaklıgil's Aşkı Memnu Novel
Love, relationship, psychoanalysis, suicide, familyAbstract
Halid Ziya (Aşk-ı Memnu novel), one of the most important novelists of the Wealth of Arts period, has been accepted by many authors as the first Turkish novel in terms of history. In the analysis of the novel, it would be correct to focus on all the characters, not on a single character, and evaluate them one by one. Thus, it is extremely important to dwell on the dynamics between all the characters. Bihter, who married Mr. Adnan with the expectation of the realization of her teenage dreams, turns to a forbidden love affair with Behlül with the disappointment of not being able to achieve what she wants, but being betrayed in this relationship results in a decision to commit suicide. Although Bihter is at the forefront with her bitter "tragic" failure, each character deserves to be examined in terms of her active role in the process. Accordingly, in this study, the novel will be approached from a psychoanalytic point of view and will be tried to gain a comprehensive meaning about the psychodynamics that determine the characters' lives.
A study On Love and Family Relations İn Halit Ziya Uşaklıgil's Aşkı Memnu Novel will be the main subject of our study. Thus, this study aims to reveal the effect of the concept of love in Halid Ziya's Aşk-ı Memnu novel on people and examine the unhappy ending of these loves in terms of literary sociology. Another purpose is to show how forbidden love leads to the destruction of a family and the effects of making loved ones unhappy.
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