The Role of American TV Shows on the Popularity of American English
role, American, TV shows, popularity, English.Abstract
TV shows have great impacts on every aspect of our lives. They have been used as an important source for language learning. The main problem of the study is that there is not much evidence about the impact of TV shows on the popularity of American English. The purpose of the study is to determine the explanation for American English’s appeal to Salahaddin University/ College of Education’s undergraduate English Department students. The research looks at shedding light on the following questions: Why do students of the English department at the College of Education favor American English? What connection exists between this appeal and American TV shows? For the study’s focus group, interviews, and questionnaire survey, a qualitative thematic analysis was used. The results show that most of the participants preferred American English, and most of them answered that they acquired their American English because of American TV shows.
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