The structure of the iconic text in plastic art and contemporary architecture (Erbil governorate as a model)


  • Sirwan Rafaat Ahmed College of Fine Arts,Salahaddin University-Erbil
  • Alaa Shaker Al-Atbi College of Fine Arts- Department of Art Education Dyala University
  • Azad Hama Ahmed College of Enginnering- Architecture Department American Universisty



structure ##common.commaListSeparator## Text ##common.commaListSeparator## Iconic##common.commaListSeparator## Plastic Arts##common.commaListSeparator## Architecture


The current study is based on (the text structure of the iconography in fine art and contemporary architecture) includes four chapters, the first contains the methodological framework of the research problem, the importance, the goal of the research, and the definition of the terms contained in the context of this research, and chapter ii theoretical framework included three investigations, the first research addressed the intellectual references of the iconography, the second research addressed semiotics conceptually, and the third examined the concept of the iconic text, in addition to the indicators of the theoretical framework and contained the third chapter research procedures including the research community and its sample, the research tool, and the analysis of the research sample, which reached only two models. Finally, chapter four includes the results of the research results, conclusions, recommendations and suggestions.


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