The most important negative effects of social networks on society using Factor Analysis


  • Kochar Mohammed Abdullah Department of Economics College of Administration and Economics / Salahaddin University -Erbil
  • Israa Muayad Ali Department of Statistics & Informatics College of Administration and Economics / Salahaddin University -Erbil



Factor Analysis##common.commaListSeparator## Principle Component Method##common.commaListSeparator## social networks


Social networks are a method of technology used in our current world, and day after day science sees a variety of progress that humans sometimes benefit from it and sometimes a detriment. This study was conducted to determine the most important negative effects of social networks on society using Factor Analysis, and for this purpose, the questioner form on data collection is randomly divided into our research options that include 200 citizen’s, and the age of individuals in our choice are between 18 and 48 years old, the male gender rate is 43.5%, and the female gender rate is 56.5%. In this study, factor analysis is used to apply the principle component method to summarize the reasons for citizens' opinions about the side effects of social, By analyzing the results of the data, we concluded that the main reasons are eight reasons and also shows significant compounds were explained for each reason are (60.383%) of the total variance.



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