Exploring EFL Students’ Perspectives on the Implementation of Content-Based Instruction for Improving English Language Skills in Entrepreneurship Education Module


  • David Toma Department of English Language, College of Basic Education, Salahaddin University-Erbil
  • Tahsin Rassul Department of English Language, College of Basic Education, Salahaddin University-Erbil




Content-Based Instruction, Entrepreneurship Education, Improving English Language Skills, EFL, Students’ Perspectives


Content-Based Instruction is a type of instruction used to teach English language. This type of instruction is used to teach Entrepreneurship Education Module. Entrepreneurship Education module was added to English Language Department’s curriculum in the academic year 2016-2017. The aims of adding it were to equip students with entrepreneurial skills and build their entrepreneurial mindset to be ready for post-university life. The current study aims, first, to explore the students' beliefs about the effect of teaching Entrepreneurship Education in English on developing vocabulary and grammar as two main language areas. Second, it also attempts to find out the extent to which the students believe that Content-Based Instruction develops their language skills. Third, it shows the authenticity of the Entrepreneurship Education content and of its teachers’ provided examples by examining the participants’ perspectives.

The present study is descriptive in which the researchers utilized the quantitative approach. Moreover, they used a closed-ended, Five-Point Likert Scale student questionnaire which was analyzed through (SPSS version 26). The study sample was 59 EFL second-year students from English Language Department, College of Basic Education at Salahaddin University-Erbil in the academic year (2021-2022). Based on the study findings, incorporating Entrepreneurship Education module into English Language Department’s curriculum has positive impacts on students. From their perspectives, the students showed that they improved their speaking, reading, and writing skills. Furthermore, they also indicated improvement in their vocabulary as an important language area. Finally, the results also show that the content of the module is authentic.


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