An Investigation of the University Teachers’ and Students’ Use of the Virtual and Physical Library


  • Heyder Sabir Hasan English Language Department, College of Basic Education, Salahaddin University Erbil
  • Dlakhshan Yousif Othman English Language Department, College of Basic Education, Salahaddin University-Erbil



Physical Library and Virtual Library, Self-paced Language Learning, Development, Balancing the Theoretical and Practical Knowledge gaining.


The study investigates the use of the physical Library (PL) and Virtual Library (VL) as assignment and researching techniques, it is aimed at self-paced learning, self-development, and balancing between theoretical and practical knowledge. The participants were the teachers, and students of two different curricula systems, the fourth grade students who enrolled in annual curriculum system and third grade who enrolled in modified curriculum semester system, at the English Language Department (ELD) / College of Basic Education (CBE) / Salahaddin University Erbil (SU-E) in 2022. There are two main questions: Is PL and VL properly used in teaching and learning processes? What is the difference between the two systems in using PL and VL?. The data for this study was collected through two questionnaires for teachers, third and fourth grade students. The methodology is mostly quantitative. The data is analyzed by SPSS followed by discussions, conclusions and recommendations. It was hypothesized that both systems do not properly use PL and VL as practical and self-paced learning way. The final results show that the participants of both systems almost neutrally and inadequately acknowledge the use of PL and VL for both practical teaching and learning processes. In which, it indicates that both annual and semester systems do not keep balance between theoretical and practical knowledge, the improper and incompetent use of the PL and VL research use, it can be said that the graduates will not be accurately skillful, proficient and qualified in their life long careers.


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