Hyperbole as a Way of Showing Eager Toward a Lover in Hamay Mamle’s and Hasan Zirak’s Songs


  • Baraat FaqeAbdulla English Department, College of Education, Salahaddin University-Erbil




Hyperbole, eager, lover, songs.


The study attempts to examine the use of hyperbolic expressions in selected Kurdish songs. It aims to discover the reason behind using hyperbolic expressions in certain love songs of Hamay Mamle and Hasan Zirak. The research questions are: What are hyperbolic expressions used in 15 love songs of Hamay Mamle and Hasan Zirak? What is the reason behind using hyperbolic expressions in Kurdish love songs? The paper adopts qualitative and quantitative approaches for analyzing Kurdish love songs. The two singers use hyperboles to show the beauty of their lovers, their love toward their lovers, and the cruelty of their lovers. They use very effective words that are exaggerations because they want to affect the hearer with these strong words and they do their best to express their emotions with the words they sing to show eagerness toward their lovers.                                                                                                                                                                                 


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