The City of Kirkuk in the Writings and Memoirs of Foreigners during the Nineteenth Century (A Study of Demographics and Prosperity)


  • Kamaran Muhammad Haji College of Art, Department of History, Salahaddin University-Erbil



:Kerkuk, Travellers, high city, Clément, Joseph wolph.


    The value of the travelogues and the observations recorded by the travelers are an important tool for shedding light on the hidden aspects of Kurdish history. Especially about historical periods about which little is known. Therefore, the observations of the surveyors, after being analyzed, can become a good tool for conducting research. It was because of the importance of the travelogues that we chose this article entitled (The City of Kirkuk in the Writings and Memoirs of Foreigners during the Nineteenth Century (A Study of Demographics and Prosperity).

      In the first topic, which is entitled (Demographic Situation of Kirkuk), we focused on the population, ethnic and religious communities of the city. Here are the comments of our visitors on the demographic development of the city and the comments of foreign visitors, diplomats and writers. In the second topic entitled (the state of prosperity of Kirkuk (high city and lower city conditions), we focused on the most important information about the state of prosperity of the city, in both parts. In the last topic, the third topic, entitled (religious, education and services institutions), here we have focused on the most important religious institutions, education and services in the city, as mentioned in the memoirs and writings of the nineteenth century, as well as the necessary, and we have presented this information.


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