The Impact of Flipped Classroom Model on Kurdish EFL University Students’ Writing Skill


  • Chalak Mohammed Ameen English Department, College of Basic Education, Salahaddin University-Erbil
  • Himdad Abdulqahhar Muhammad English Department, College of Basic Education, Salahaddin University-Erbil



Flipped Classroom Model (FCM), Writing Skill, Autonomy, Motivation, Collaboration, Interaction.


Flipped Classroom Model (Henceforth FCM), as one of the teaching methods that has a strong link with technology, emerged and gained popularity in the past few decades.  Many previous studies show the effectiveness of FCM in developing students’ abilities in different fields of science, including language learning. The current study aims to investigate the impact of FCM on Kurdish EFL university students’ writing skill. It also aims to reveal the impact of FCM on enhancing Kurdish EFL students’ autonomy, motivation, student-student and student-teacher collaboration and interaction. The participants of the study were 60 first-year students of English Department, College of Education, Charmo University in Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The study took place in the second semester of the academic year of 2021-2022. The participants were divided into a control group (n. 30) and an experimental group (n. 30). Both groups were taught the writing skill as a subject by the same teacher (researcher) for 15 weeks. The study's data were collected through pre- and post-tests, a questionnaire and an interview. The SPSS analyses of the writing skill pre- and post-tests show statistical significant differences between the two groups’ achievements in favor of the experimental group students (T= 4.252, P= 0.0007). Besides, the questionnaire and interview results found that FCM has an effective role in improving the students’ autonomy, motivation, student-student and student-teacher collaboration and interaction. The study recommends utilizing FCM in teaching other language skills and sub-skills such as speaking, reading, grammar and vocabulary.


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