The Reflection of Gaming in Violence: A Study of the Relationship Between Violent Video Games and Aggressive Behaviors


  • Safi T. Chalabi Psychological Researcher, Kurdistan Region-Iraq
  • Saeed M.N.T. Bebane College of Education, Salahaddin University-Erbil



Game, Aggression behaviours, Violence video games.


The game has a prominent place in the psychology literature. However, there is a debate about the effects of violent video games on the development of aggressive behaviors. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate and shed light on the negative ramifications of violent video games in the embodiment of aggressive behaviors among those who play these games using a sample (N = 523) from the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The results indicated that physical, verbal, anger, and hostility aggression levels were found to be statistically significant. The findings also backed up the idea of considering the duration of preoccupation with these games in aggressive behaviors, with different aspects in hours of playing. As a result, playing for more than nine hours increases the likelihood of engaging in physical, verbal, and hostile aggression more than playing for less than nine hours, and playing for more than nine hours differs in anger from playing for two hours. Finally, the current study came up with some recommendations and suggestions.


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