Application of Limited Dependent Variable Models to Study the Most Prognostic Factors for Thalassemia Patients in Erbil City


  • Kurdistan Ibrahim Mawlood College of Administration and Economics, Statistics Department, Salahaddin University-Erbil



limited dependent variable models, binary logit, Tobit model, probit regression models, thalassemia, A kaike Information Criterion.


The main purpose of this study is to compare three models known as limited dependent variable models which are the binary logit, Tobit model and the binary probit regression models. In the most fields surveys are done with limited options due to their nature, in these cases the data not provide assumptions of linear regression models. The data of this study was obtained from Erbil thalassemia center, which is the only health center specific for thalassemic patients in Erbil city, the values of two criteria measures (Bayesian information criterion BIC and Akaike Information Criterion AIC) were obtained from the estimated models for selection the best model fit for these three models. Furthermore, the results indicated that the results of the Logit and Probit models are similar, but the parameter estimations of the two models are not directly comparable. Stata V. 16 and SPSS V.25 software’s were used for fitting the models.


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