Choice as a stylistic phenomenon of meter and rhyme in the poetry of Ahmad Hardi


  • Lanja Kareem Fattah Kurdish Language Department, College of Education, Salahaddin University-Erbil
  • Nawzad Waqas SAEED Kurdish Language Department, College of Education, Salahaddin University-Erbil



Choice, style, poetic language, meter and rhyme, poetic rhythm.


Because the new poets had a high level of culture and lived in the reality of their society, they were aware of all the changes and influences that took place in the world of literature in general and poetry in particular, so they pushed poets in general and Hardi in particular. Interest in the field of selection as a new process in the language of poetry, which gives the reader more pleasure, including the choice of language, sounds, words, phrases, sentences, as well as the choice of subject, content, images, etc. Hardi as a talented poet who managed to make the process intelligent selection in the subject of love and walked the paths of the Kurdish romantic school, Hardi as an experienced person who had goals in Presenting his works to readers, to this day his poems have survived in people's minds, so that most of his poems were translated into songs, because he had a high artistic spirit in choosing internal and external rhythms.


بڵاو کرایەوە



