The role of the economic factor in the collapse of the Ottoman Empire


  • Nasreen Sulaiman Hussein economic department,College of Economic and Administration, Salahaddin University-Erbil
  • Ameen Muhammed Saeed Alidressi economic department,College of Economic and Administration, Salahaddin University-Erbil



The Ottoman Empire##common.commaListSeparator## the economic factors##common.commaListSeparator## the collapse of states.


There are multiple and overlapping factors that lead to the collapse of states, especially a state with the weight of the Ottoman Empire, with its historical depth and geographical extension.  Therefore, no matter how much we try to highlight the role of the economic factor, it has an overlap with several other factors.  In this research, the factors of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire were divided into external and internal factors.  In the paragraph of external factors came the nature of the countries that surrounded the Ottoman Empire, and the relationship with it was characterized by hostility, and continuous wars. Geographical explorations came with the support of the Church to work to negatively affect the trade routes linking the Ottoman Empire, and its geographical depth with gold mines in Africa, as well as the leakage of gold from the Ottoman Empire to Europe after it was replaced by silver coming from the New World after the discovery of the Americas. The role of foreign privileges came to cast a shadow over the internal interference in the affairs of the state, and finally came the role of external loans to tie the state in great shackles and to pave the way for foreign countries to control the economic system in the states of the state Ottoman.  As for the internal factors, the role of the priority of militarism in the Ottoman Empire emerged in front of the backwardness of its economic system, which did not create support for the process of capitalist accumulation, and came to consolidate the character of artisanal production, and the occurrence of many financial and monetary crises, and the conflict between the Janissary band and the sultans of the state was present in the research, where it formed  A bleeding wound that squandered the state's energies and resources and plunged it into internal conflicts. Finally, the army's failure to follow up on the technological and organizational developments that characterize modern armies.


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