Quality of life and its relationship to family compatibility afield research on diabetes and blood pressure in /Erbil


  • Zhakaw Sarkawt Othman Hawler Medical University - Ministry of higher Education and scientific research
  • Sabah Ahmad Najar Department of Socilogy, Collecge of Art, salahaddin University-Erbil




quality of life##common.commaListSeparator## family compatibility


This research aims to determine the relationship of quality of life with family compatibility, people with diabetes and blood pressure, the problems faced by patients and the conditions they live in, in addition to knowing to what extent patients have been able to handle with them. Where the correlational descriptive method was relied on to analyze the results and random sampling was used, the sample size was (204) units about patients with diabetes and blood pressure. As for data collection and goals, the survey method was adopted and a procedure The interviews, where its paragraphs consist of (102) items and two scales, the quality-of-life scale and the family compatibility scale, and the researcher, to get answers for her questions, used the five alternatives to collect the correct data.


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