A statistical stylistic study of collected poems of (Lawandnaway kholamesh) by Tayeeb Jabbar


  • Kazhal Abdulqader Othman Colleg of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, Department of Field Crop and Medicinal Plants, Salahaddin University-Erbil




Style##common.commaListSeparator## Stylistics##common.commaListSeparator## Statistic##common.commaListSeparator## Tayeeb Jabbar##common.commaListSeparator## Lawandnaway kholamesh.


This study is an attempt to focus on the style and stylistics. It tries to explore what are they and how they are made and what is their importance in analyzing literary texts especially poetic texts. The collected poems of (Lawandnaway kholamesh) by Tayeeb Jabbar is analyzed using these stylistic devices. Also, the statistical stylistics is followed in this paper. The aim of the poet is to show the statistics, the range of types of verbs and styles of the collected poems. Studying any literary work of any poet through using statistical styles, demonstrates the types of poems in terms of quantity. Thus, this has a great significance in any literary work.


بڵاو کرایەوە



