Lexical and Syntactical Representation of Verb in Kurdish Language


  • Abduljabar Mstafa Maroof




lexical verb, post lexical, finte verb, syntactic verb


This study is entitled (Lexical and Syntactical Representation of Verb in Kurdish Language). This is an attempt to determine lexical and syntactical verb in Kurdish language. The steps start from lexicon to find the form of lexical verb and determine them. It depends on the bases of the verbs which are used in natural language. It determines the modes which Kurdish verb indicates syntactical information. A- That is to say from one side this study relies on the projection principle theory and extended projection theory. The syntactical verb of (V-)، (T-) and (AGR-) step by step are differentiated. Some of them separated due to projection principle theory some others are differentiated by extended projection theory. B- On the other side the verb separated by the form of nonfinite verb، finite verb، nonfinite clause، and clauses.

      Since this study depended on the lexicon background of language in general and syntactical information in particular. it starts from the form of (V0) such as simple verb of one lexeme then derivate and the compound verb is also shown. After that the syntactical representation of these verbs are shown. The ( X-bar) theory is used for the forms of the representation of the verb. According to this theory the grammatical heads in Kurdish language is determined. Although this study is about Kurdish language completely، sometimes the Persian language is used for giving examples since both languages are from the same family and the similarity and differences are illustrated.




ئاوات ساڵح قادر (٢٠١٥)، ڕێککەوتنی سینتاکسیی لە زمانی کوردیی و فارسییدا، نامەی ماستەر، زانکۆی سلێمانیی، سلێمانیی.

حاتەم ولیا محەمەد (٢٠٠٩)، پەیوەندییە ڕۆنانییەکانی نواندنە سینتاکسییەکان، چاپخانەی خانی، دهۆک.

سازان زاهیر سەعید (٢٠١٩)، نواندنی سینتاکسیی لە زمانی کوردییدا، نامەی دکتۆرا، زانکۆی سلێمانیی، سلێمانیی.

عەبدولجەبار مستەفا مەعرووف (٢٠١٣)، زانیاری زگماکیی و دروستەی فۆڕمەگۆڕاوەکان لە زمانی کوردییدا، گۆڤاری زانکۆی سلێمانیی، ژمارە ٣٨ B

بە فارسیی

٥. مهدی مشکو الدین (١٣٧٠)، دستور زبان فارسی( بر پایە نظریە گشتاری)، دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد، انتشارات دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد، چاپ دوم، چاپخانە سپهر، تهران.

٦. یادگار کریمی (١٣٩١) ، مطابقە در نظام کنایی (ارگتیو) زبانهای ایرانی: رقابت واژەبست و وند، مجلە پژوهش های زبان شناسی ، سال چهارم، شمارە دوم.

بە ئینگلیزی

Cook, V.J & Newson, M.L. (1997) Chomsky’s Universal Grammar 2nd, black well: Oxford.

پێگەی ئینتەرنێت











بڵاو کرایەوە



