The Problem of Naming Dimensions and Distances in Musical Scales


  • Amanj Ghazee Shaker Agha Department of Music, College of Fine Arts, Salahaddin University - Erbil
  • Surwd Fuad Mohammed Sarraj Department of Music, College of Fine Arts, Salahaddin University - Erbil



the problem, dimensions and distances, musical scales


The research deals with the problem of naming dimensions and distances in musical scales, and it is a descriptive study. During this study, researchers present new proposals to rename this dimension. First, the researchers presented all the ancient names that were used. Then, for each old name, a new name was proposed by the researchers. This new formula was verified according to several scientific and academic methods. The importance of this study is for students of colleges and institutes of fine arts to get rid of the problem of confusion between these names and their problems. The aim of this study is to identify and rename the types of dimensions and distances into two types of quantities, namely, quantitative amounts and qualitative amounts. The quantitative amount indicates the number of degrees separating two tones, and the qualitative amount indicates the number of distances, their types and quarters, that is, determining the distance, or the distance.


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