The Impact of Teachers’ Wellbeing on Their Performance at Salahaddin University-Erbil


  • Sheelan Ahmad HamadAmeen Department of English,College of Basic Education,Salahaddin University-Erbil
  • Deeman Musheer Mawlood Department of English,College of Basic Education, Salahaddin University-Erbil



Teachers’ wellbeing##common.commaListSeparator## classroom environment##common.commaListSeparator## teacher-student interpersonal relationships##common.commaListSeparator## workload and stress


This study focuses on the impact of teachers’ wellbeing on their performance at Salahaddin University, it aims to elicit teachers’ perspectives concerning the extent of wellbeing, to identify the factors that impact on teachers’ wellbeing as well as to find out; the extent to which the wellbeing of EFL teachers reflects on their performance. These goals are achieved by answering several questions: firstly, what are the teachers’ perspectives on wellbeing at Salahaddin University? secondly, what are the factors that impact on teachers’ wellbeing? And thirdly, to what extent do teachers agree with their wellbeing at Salahaddin University.

The study investigates how the wellbeing of teachers is reflected in their performance inside the classroom. The researchers collected data by designing a questionnaire and classroom observation. Teacher wellbeing questionnaire and observational checklist adapted from Salahaddin University – Erbil, College of Basic Education, Department of English (2021-2022) conducted with 28 teachers. All (28) teachers participated in completing the questionnaire and (15) of the same teachers were observed in class to provide data for an observation checklist. The results and findings helped the researchers to draw the conclusion that teacher wellbeing is categorically important to offer adulated education, and to increase the academic and personal potential of prospective students. Supplementary results also concluded that university teachers’ perceptions are positive towards some issues that have an effect on their wellbeing such as collaborations, headship treatment and environment. However, it is also concluded that increasing teachers’ workload and stress decreases teachers’ skills of management.


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