Manifestations of dystopia in the Iraqi novel after 2003 The Virgin of Sinjar Novel for (Ward Badr AL-Salem) Template


  • Safa Jamal Dawood Arabic department-collage of Education / Salahaddin University-Erbil



Dystopia##common.commaListSeparator## Narrative Scene##common.commaListSeparator## Dystopian Novel##common.commaListSeparator## The Virgin of Sinjar


         The research monitored the manifestations of dystopian literature in the contemporary Iraqi novel and diagnosed the features of absurd and chaotic and corrupt societies under exceptional circumstances that transformed reality into a virtual world based on the concepts of postmodernism that were established for the stability of dystopian literature as an imaginary society and an imaginary world ruled by evil، in which man is stripped of his humanity and in which society becomes transformed into A group is fighting each other، and this is why the term (dystopia) has become like the literature of a corrupt city.


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