The Effect of The Training Program Using (Paper Marbling) Technique on The Ability to Draw and Achievement of Students in The Department of Art Education


  • Awaz Mirza Faraj Art Education Department -College of Basic Education/ University of Sulaimani
  • Sabir Bakr Mustafa Kindergarten Department -College of Basic Education/ University of Sulaimani




    This research is elicited from Ph.D. thesis entitled (The effect of the training program using Paper Marbling) technique on the ability to draw and achievement of students in the department of art education). The research aims to prepare a training program in the field of drawing based on a technique that has not been used before in the field of drawing in a scientific educational institution such as the University of Sulaymaniyah. The study aims to find out the effect of the training program using the technique of drawing on the surface of the water (Paper Marbling) on the ability and skill of drawing and achievement in the subject of self-employment in drawing and comparing the results of the pre-test and post-test and proposing, the technique as a new method in addition to the common methods of introducing new patterns into the subject and lessons of drawing. The researcher followed the (Kemp) model to design and formulate the training program because of its advantages, including allowing the necessary adjustments to be made in selecting units as needed, and evaluation during designing the process to be appropriate with the nature of the training process for students. In order to achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher chose a one-group design with a pretest in the first week and a posttest in the eighth week of the experiment and the research sample was randomly selected from a community where the sample consisted of (18) students from the fourth stage. The purpose of maintaining the balance of the research sample and adjusting the variable that affects the independent variable, and defining one way for all students, the research equalized the research sample in the variables (pre-test, age of the students in the month, degree of construction subject in drawing for the year (2023-2021), level of intelligence by conducting an intelligence test). The researcher conducted three types of questionnaires, a questionnaire for formulating and building the training program, a questionnaire for determining modern drawing techniques, and a questionnaire for preparing an evaluation card to evaluate the results of the achievement tests of the research sample students. After formulating and building the training program and receiving the opinion of experts and according to a number of steps through which the training, its needs and objectives were determined. The researcher applied the training program and the (Paper Marbling) technique on the research sample for a period of (8) weeks, each week (1) lesson, each lesson (3) hours. After data collection and statistical analysis of the results, the researcher reached a set of results, including building a step-by-step training program and then applying it to the research sample and then applying it to the research sample and the emergence of a significant effect between the average scores achieved in the pre-test and post-test as a result of using the (Paper Marbling) technique, this means that the students of the research sample improved the level of their drawing skills after an experiment compared to what it was before the experiment and the effect size of the impact of the training program was significant on the development of drawing skills and achievement among the students of the research sample. In light of the results, the researcher made a number of recommendations and proposals that he believes will complement his current research in the future.


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How to Cite

Faraj , A. M. ., & Mustafa , S. B. . (2024). The Effect of The Training Program Using (Paper Marbling) Technique on The Ability to Draw and Achievement of Students in The Department of Art Education. Zanco Journal of Human Sciences, 28(SpA), 286–308.


