A Critical Discourse Analysis of Ethnic Bias in "Homegoing"


  • Asmaa Khoshmer Azeez Department of English,College of Education, Salahaddin University-Erbil
  • Suhayla Hameed Majeed Department of English,College of Languages, Salahaddin University-Erbil
  • Salam Neamah Hirmiz Hakeem Department of Syriac,College of Education,Salahaddin University-Erbil




Ethnic bias, Homegoing, CDA, superiority, ideology


This research aims to critically analyse ethnic bias, which is a type of discrimination or prejudice based on one's ethnicity, in the text of the selected novel. It seeks to answer two questions: how is ethnicist ideology produced in the selected texts of the novel? And how are linguistic strategies utilised to aid in understanding the selected ideology? It is a qualitative study, and the major source of the data is Yaa Gyasi's novel "Homegoing." The three-dimensional CDA model proposed by Fairclough (1992) is primarily employed for data analysis in combination with Jeffries' (2010) critical stylistic analysis and van Dijk's (2006) square ideological concept. It is concluded that the British and American slavery systems led to numerous acts of prejudice and oppression against Africans, which was based on their ethnic bias ideology, and they used language as a tool of control and a reflection of their political and social superiority.



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How to Cite

Azeez, A. K. ., Majeed , S. H. ., & Hakeem , S. N. H. . (2023). A Critical Discourse Analysis of Ethnic Bias in "Homegoing". Zanco Journal of Human Sciences, 27(SpB), 471–494. https://doi.org/10.21271/zjhs.27.SpB.26


