The Role of Social Media in Promoting Citizenship Values and Creating Public Opinion in Raparin AdministrationAn analysis field research


  • Dana Othman Hussein College of Arts and Letters - Department of Media, Cihan University


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Key words: role, social media, citizenship values, public opinion


There is public opinion everywhere there is a society, but the power, capacity, and character of the development alter according to the level of awareness and development of that society's civilization, and then social media, as the most powerful influence, will play its part in the society. Public opinion criticizes the demands of people and the needs of the aims and opinions, the people's point of view on the challenges and problems of each community. The inhabitants of each community are considered as self-conscious, the members are aware of any event and causes that gives them excitement and perspective.

In today's society, public opinion and social media are crucial for establishing and producing citizens' values, as well as building and expanding the system of authority and people's views, particularly in the democratic system. In order to freely express the needs of the people in the affairs and decision-making process, it is also necessary to participate in public opinion as a donor. However, despite having all the tools necessary to create this group in the right way, obstacles will inevitably stand in the way and cause it to veer off course.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Othman Hussein, D. . (2023). The Role of Social Media in Promoting Citizenship Values and Creating Public Opinion in Raparin AdministrationAn analysis field research. Zanco Journal of Human Sciences, 27(4), 22–33.


