The Process of Word Formation in English and Kurdish Languages: A Comparative Typological Study


  • Sardar Abdulmajid Abdullah College of education-English department
  • Waria Omer Amin University of Baghdad


الكلمات المفتاحية:

word formation, morphemes, noun, derivation, inflection,


English and Kurdish are two morphologically different Indo-European languages. The first is the most analytic language among all of the European languages, while the second is an agglutinative, incorporating language. The paper concerns itself only with the standard dialects of the two languages, which are hypothesized to be different in the process of forming word. In this paper, an attempt is made to identify how many word-formation patterns occur in each language? Then, the paper aims at examining and contrasting where does English and Kurdish word formation resemble morphologically? And where do they differ? For this study, the data have been collected from various English and Kurdish sources and re-analyzed with reference to word formation in the two languages.


السيرة الشخصية للمؤلف

Sardar Abdulmajid Abdullah، College of education-English department









A. English references

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B. Kurdish references

-ڕەفیق شوانی.۲۰۱٤وشەسازی زمانی کوردی.چاپی دووەم.دەزگای چاپ:کۆمەڵگای چاپخانەی کوردی -کەرکوک

-ئەوڕەحمانی حاجی مارف.۱۹٨۷.وشە ڕۆنان لە زمانی کوردیدا.چاپی دووەم.کۆڕی زانیار کورد

. -عەبدولواحید موشیر دزەیی.۲۰۱۳.وشەسازی زمانی کوردی.چاپی یەکەم.بەڕێوبەرایەتی گشتی کتێبخانە گشتیەکان.هەولێر

کوردستان موکریانی (٢٠١٨) مۆرفۆلوجیا. بەڕێوبەرایەتی گشتی کتێبخانە گشتیەکان.هەولێر

وریا عومەر ئەمین.۲۰۰۷.تایپۆلۆجیای زمانی کوردی.ژمارە.٦.ل.۳۱۳-۳۱۷.



كيفية الاقتباس

Abdullah, S. A. ., & Amin , W. O. . (2020). The Process of Word Formation in English and Kurdish Languages: A Comparative Typological Study. Zanco Journal of Human Sciences, 24(6), 343–355.


